Many people may think that saying good night to a girl looks simple but is actually very difficult, because saying good night also requires some skills, otherwise just saying "good night" dryly every day may seem very perfunctory. Let me share with you a simple 9-word good night sentence and teach you how to say good night to a girl!
1. Eat well and sleep well so that you can be in good spirits. Good night.
2. At this point, are you getting ready to go to bed? If so, then I want to say good night to you.
3. My plan for you is a promise for the future, not an empty slogan. Good night!
4. Although you say good night every time, it is not necessary, but I am still used to saying good night to you before going to bed every day.
5. Every night, I feel at ease only when I say good night to you.
6. Imagine you sleeping peacefully and say good night to you.
7. There are very few people who love me, but when you say you love me, I suddenly feel that the whole universe is full of love for me.
8. The moon hangs quietly in the sky, illuminating your sleeping face, and I gently say good night to you.
9. My life is like an upward tree. Only by not complaining or being pessimistic can I embrace happiness. Good night~
10. Where in life do we not meet, why should we have known each other before? Good night!
11. Don’t worry about the unclear future, just work hard for the clear present. Good night!
12. Although life is short, love is long. Good night!
13. If a person can face pain actively, he can grasp the growth opportunities that come with problems. Good night!
14. Good night, sleep forever.
15. Unhappy because life is not simple enough. Good night.
16. Always look for people who are more attentive than yourself and an environment that is more attentive than yourself. Good night!
17. I felt hazy that I had forgotten something. It turned out that I forgot to say good night to you.
18. Good night, I want to say this to you forever.
19. I want to love you well and say good night to you every day.
20. Good night, knowing that you are having a good time is more important than anything else.
21. I wish I could turn around and say good night to you!
A short good night sentence of 9 simple words may be few, but the words between the lines can carry your feelings for the girl and make her fall asleep. I also remember your good night.